Test Documents with AI Precision
Transform your document verification process with our AI-powered platform. Ensure compliance, reduce errors, and save countless hours of manual review.
Everything you need to verify documents
Powerful features to streamline your workflow. Not all features are available at this time.
AI-powered document verification
Leverage cutting-edge AI to automatically verify documents with high precision.
Enterprise-grade security
Bank-level encryption and security protocols to keep your data safe.
Real-time collaboration
Work together seamlessly with your team in real-time.
Custom testing rules
Create and customize verification rules to match your specific needs.
Advanced analytics dashboard
Get deep insights into your verification processes and team performance.
API access
Integrate our testing engine directly into your workflow.
Simple, transparent pricing
Choose the plan that's right for you
$0 billed annually
Perfect for trying out our platform
- 5 test runs per month
- Manual execution
- 1 User
- Basic document verification
- Email support
- API access
$804 billed annually
For growing teams and businesses
- 500 test runs per month
- Automated execution
- 10 Users
- Advanced AI verification
- Priority support
- API access
- Analytics dashboard
For large organizations with custom needs
- Unlimited test runs
- Automated execution
- Unlimited Users
- Custom AI model training
- Dedicated support
- Custom integration
- SLA guarantees
- Advanced security features